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Updated: Jan 22, 2020



The monumental third edition of Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners is now available. This is the culmination of 45 years of study by Corinne P. Earnest, the “Queen of Fraktur.”

This edition consists of four hardcover volumes totaling over 1,500 pages, discussing and illustrating in color the work of 579 fraktur artists and scriveners. Included is a discussion of the life history of each frakurist (if known) and characteristics of their art and lettering. New to this edition is a summary number of fraktur attributed to each frakturist. Because of the huge size of the data base, only up to ten examples are listed for each artist or scrivener with priority given to examples illustrated in readily available sources.

Also included is a listing of over 1,250 minor or potential artists and scriveners as gleaned by the authors from fraktur collections, the literature, the internet, auction catalogs and antiques shows. As demonstrated by the first two editions of Papers for Birth Dayes, many of those listed about whom little is currently known will, as the data base expands, be found to be major frakturists.

The bibliography supplements those of Donald Shelley and Wendy Leeds, and the first two editions of Papers for Birth Dayes.

To order the third edition of Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners, complete the order form below and send with your check or money order for $299.00 to Russell D. Earnest, P.O. Box 1132, Clayton, DE 19938. No sales tax. S/h to USA only. Credit cards accepted only through S/H free for orders made via website.

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Send to: Russell D. Earnest

P. O. Box 1132 rdearnest

Clayton, DE 19938


Other Books by Russell D. Earnest Associates

Klaus Stopp’s The Printed Birth and Baptismal Certificates of the German Americans (Vols. I - VII published 1997 through 2014, hardcover). The entire set $500.00 plus $20.00 shipping.

Vol. I, 286 pages, anonymously published, Allentown through Bath, PA. $80 + $6 shipping

Vol. II, 284 pages, Carlisle through Hanover, PA $85 + $6 shipping

Vol. III, 303 pages, Harrisburg through Philadelphia, PA $85 + $6 shipping

Vol. IV, 331 pages, Pittsburgh through Reading, PA $85 + $6 shipping

Vol. V, 238 pages, St. Clair through York, PA plus MD, MO, OH and VA $80 + $6 shipping Vol. VI, 278 pages, IL, IN, IA, MN, NY, WI, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, France plus Supplement $85 + $6 shipping

Vol. VII, 184 pages, 2014 Supplement $75 + $6 shipping

The Heart of the Taufschein: Fraktur and the Pivotal Role of Berks County, Pennsylvania (2012), 302 pages, hardcover $69.95 + $6.00 shipping

Peter Montelius: Teacher and Printer, Printer and Teacher (2012) by Patricia Earnest, 241 pages, softcover $39.95 + $5 shipping

Flying Leaves and One Sheets: Pennsylvania German Broadsides and Their Printers (2005), 352 pages, hardcover $75 + $6 shipping

The Genealogist’s Guide to Fraktur 2nd edition, (2012), 60 pages, softcover, $19.95 + $4 shipping

The Hanging of Susanna Cox: The True Story Of Pennsylvania’s Most Notorious Infanticide & the Legend That’s Kept It Alive (2010), by Patricia Earnest, 164 pages, hardcover $24.95 + $5 shipping

God Bless This House: The Printed House Blessings of the Pennsylvania Germans, 1780 - 1921, (2015), 128 pages, softcover $39.95 + $5 shipping

The Jungmann Woodblock Fraktur Artist of Reading, Pennsylvania: with a Peek at other Woodblock Artists, (2016), 47 pages, softcover $22.95 + $5 shipping

His True and Facile Pen: C. H. Balsbaugh and Swatara Brethren Fraktur (2015), 52 pages, softcover, $29.95 + $5 shipping

Fraktur: Folk Art & Family (1999), 192 pages, hardcover, $49.95 + $5 shipping

To the Latest Posterity: Pennsylvania German Family Registers in the Fraktur Tradition (2004), 153 pages, hardcover $45 + $5 shipping

See our Website at for more titles


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Design & Development by Divine Self Arts

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Helpful hint regarding picture use: You might think the picture of a fraktur, bookplate, Vorschrift, old book, reward of merit, Taufschein, broadside, newspaper, and etc. is in the public domain because of the age of the item. The picture/image/collection of pixels itself, however, is NOT in the public domain. The copyright rights of the image belong to the photographer/author/auctioneer/whomever took the picture/pixels/photograph/image. Do NOT reproduce images without permissions.

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